A motor-driven masturbator from SayberX

masturbator , technology , syberx

This device has integrated both the unique drawing up and the cutting edge technology.


This is a buit-in mechanism, responsible for reciprocating movement inside the masturbator. It is possible to implement the mechanism's remote control in order to change the device's mode, through a specific ring and an application to be used by two interconnected smart phones.

Everything here is designed for the maximum confort and pleasure. Outside, this is a hard plastic shell, easy to grip. Inside, this is a soft, textured surface, and its touch resembles the living flesh. At the moment the device is on standby, all one should do is pressing the button for the process to run. There will be no vibrations, nor squeezing, but a well-know motion, similar to those natural frictions or a hand caress.

One can choose both the motion's mode and the frequency individually, or delegate their control to the partner, who may as well be close or on the far side of the globe. The "Ring of Power", supplied with the device, a smart phone with the SayberX application installed, and the Internet connection-this is all one needs for managing the partner's pleasure, by slowing down or accelerating the process.